cuff: with 5mm needle, CO 64 sts. switch to 2mm DPNs and join in the round (20, 22, 22) and work 28 rounds of k2p2 rib. switch to 2.5mm magic loop and work 8 rounds of stockinette.
    thumb gusset:
      round 1:
        k 30, {M}, LLInc, k to end of round // left glove
        k to 30 sts from end, RLIncs, {M}, k 30 // right glove
      round 2:
        repeat rounds 1 and 2 13 more times (28 rounds) [78sts]
      k30, place 18 sts on holder (for the thumb), CO 3, k to end of round. [63 sts] knit 15 rounds.
    3 fingers:
      k22, place 17sts on holder (for index finger), CO 2, k to end of round. [48 sts] knit 16 rounds
      begin decreasing:
        round 1: k1, ssk, k to 3 sts before end of round, k2tog, k1
        round 2: k
        repeat rounds 1 and 2 until 18 rounds are completed [30sts]
        round 19-20 : k1, ssk, k to 3 sts before end of needle one, k2tog, k2, ssk, k to 3 sts before end, k2tog.[22sts]
        bind off with kitchener stitch.
    index finger:
      place the remaining hand sts back on the needles, join yarn next to base of middle finger, k17 sts, pku 3. [20 sts] knit 32 rnds.
      round 36: [k1, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1] twice (10 sts)
      bind off with kitchener stitch
      place thumb sts back on the needles. join yarn, pku 4, k18. [22 sts] knit 24 rnds.
      round 28: [k1, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1] twice (10 sts)
      kitchenenr stitch

tabi gloves inspired by maison margiela and vintage hunting gloves.

    1 skein Lang Jawoll Sock Yarn 50g
    2mm 80cm circular needles
    2.5m 80cm circular needles
    tapestry needle
    stitch holders